Monday, July 18, 2011

You know that you are in Africa when...

  • people say "fine" before you ask them how they are
  • people call you, "muzungu". You are the only white person they will see that day, or week 
  • you have gotten out of the habit of locking the bathroom door because most stalls don't have a lock anyway
  • it's totally normal to carry a 5 liter jug of water up the 5 kilometer hill back to hostel
  • your bodily alarm knows that it's time for the 10:30 tea break
  • it takes you 5 minutes and 2 nearly fatal attempts to cross a street because there are no traffic laws
  • everywhere you go you are told you "will get special price because you are the first costumer of the day"
  • your life span has decreased by 4 years because the exhaust fumes are so bad
  • a cashier is insulted that you don't have exact change because they don't have any coins themselves
  • the only laundry you want to do is the bare minimum dirty underwear because doing it by hand takes SO long
  • you walk into an empty field only to find that you are not alone, in fact that empty field is home to a pack of waterbuck... you quickly turn around
  • what costs you $8 in a cab costs 20 cents in public transit
  • you have a new found appreciation for deodorant, perfume and cologne 
  • your body has adjusted to falling asleep by 9:30 because you have to back before the sun sets at 7:00
  • you know where every supermarket is in the city because buying water there is 150% cheaper than buying it at a stand (we are muzungu, remember???)
  • children form a parade behind you, singing "how are you? how are you? how are you?"
  • you have become accustomed to cold showers (hence the lack of showering frequency)
  • you meet a nice business woman on the street and her first instinct is to invite you to see her office (don't worry, Dad, we politely said "no thank you")
  • you can bargain your way from $65 to $9
  • you walk outside in a tank top, yet, since it's winter here, everyone else is in scarves and jackets
  • people at the market offer to bargain not with money, but with pens
  • you say a little prayer before getting online in hopes that some Divine power will intervene and your email might, just open...


  1. You also know you are in Kenya when...

    ~You return to a restaurant only to get chewed out by your waiter for causing him trouble when you double checked the price of the mean.
    ~You make and reconfirm plans to meet your Kenyan friends at 10:00 only for them to show up 3 hours later.
    ~You receive a love note from one of the bus boys at the hostel professing his love and asking you to join him at his friend's graduation!

    Oh Kenya, we love you!

  2. *Small children ask you for toffee.
    *Roosters cock-a-doodle at 5 in the morning. Goats bleat at 5.30. Babies cry at 6 and by then its too hot to sleep anyway.
    *You notice that one of the goats has mysteriously disappeared. That evening you are served goat.
    *Mangos are better than ice cream.
    *The red dirt doesn't come out of your clothes. Ever.
    *You celebrate your 21st birthday with Coca-Cola in glass bottles and digestive crackers. (Maybe that's just me).
    *TIA-This is Africa!
